Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our First Reaction

Henry is taking his first antibiotic, which I am not happy about simply because I do not like antibiotics. But, the fact that the pharmacy DID NOT listen to me when filling it and he is reacting horribly to the artificial flavor in the chewable tabs is making life absolutely miserable.

Two of Henry's baby teeth came in fused together. So, a year and a half ago he had surgery on those teeth to fill the small pocket between them that we could not reach with floss or a toothbrush.

All was well, until last week when he told me his tooth hurt. I looked, and there was a huge fluid filled bump on his gum above the tooth. It is abscessed and it is draining through the gum.

So, off to the dentist we went where he prescribed this evil antibiotic. I told him to write the prescription for capsules. He did.

I took it to the compounding pharmacy that we have used in the past and requested color free capsules. Instead of capsules, they gave me chewable tables with artificial flavor! Ahhhh!!!!

I did not realize until I got home with the prescription that they had given me these evil things.

I started giving it to him anyway, hoping for the best, since he was in pain and the pharmacy was closed by then. INSTANT reaction. Well, maybe not instant, but within 30 minutes.

The poor guy can't talk on this stuff. He cannot finish a complete thought. He stutters and stammers and honestly, I have never seen him like this - ever.

Last night was miserable. He couldn't sit down and eat dinner, he couldn't talk, he was wild and screaming and so rough with the baby. I was doubting how well this Feingold Program was working until I saw him in this state and remembered that things used to be a lot worse. He couldn't fall asleep, he was emotional and frustrated and he just didn't understand why.

Amazing what you can forget in two weeks.

So, I called the pharmacy this morning, and they agreed to refill it with capsules. BUT I have to pay for it out of pocket. That health insurance that we pay $600 a month out of pocket for? It won't cover this refill because we are refilling it too soon.

On top of that, they close at 1pm today (Saturday) and I just got Catherine down for her morning nap.

If I wake her up before she has finished her nap, the rest of the day will be hell and she won't go to sleep until 2am.

If I don't go get this refill and continue giving Henry these tablets with artificial flavor, the rest of the weekend will be hell.

Sometimes I feel like I spend all day chasing my tail.

Off to wake up the baby and go to the pharmacy, with the reacting 5 year old in tow...

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